
Monday, 31 May 2010

Playing with Oolong

Was reading Gingko's blog and was pleased to learn so much more about not only how tea is drunk with the old-timers but how Oolong is drunk by different people.

Until now, I've drunk Oolong by steeping it nearly as long as other teas. Recently I've started infusing it multiple times, but have only been doing that a while. From what I'm finding out, those later infusions are weak and watery partly because I'm steeping for so long the first time.

So this blog post is just to announce that I'm toying with steeping times and numbers of infusions when it comes to Oolongs. I picked up a Himalayan Oolong called Jun Chiyabari this weekend, and would like to make it last as long as possible.

I learned as much from the comments at the above-mentioned blog as I did from the original post, so I welcome comments about your experiences with Oolong. I'm aware that steeping times are entirely a matter of personal preference, but your advice is appreciated.


  1. This is a post you should look at! Very interesting!

  2. Thank you for contributing to the discussion, Lahikmajoe. Everybody's experience can in some way enrich experience of others. I sometimes also experiment on brewing oolong in a mug with long infusions. It works well for some, and not so well for some others.

    Yeah 30 infusions is very do-able for many Wuyi Yan Cha and Phenix Dan Cong, probably some puerh too. For teas with that potential, gongfu style can bring out their best tastes.

  3. I don't think I'd want a tea to have that many infusions. I infuse the leaves until I find it too weak, and then toss them. I don't usually save wet leaves for a later session.

    If a tea lasts 6-8 infusions, then I'm pretty satisfied.

