
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

don't mention it

He says everything and he says nothing.

This is a funny saying that the Germans use when they're talking about politicians. Actually, you could use the phrase when talking about anyone who's using public relations-speak. Many words...not much actual meaning.

A client visited me this evening, and we had a wonderful time that had everything to do with tea, but simultaneously had nothing to do with tea. Nothing at all.

When I serve tea, I regularly put quite a lot of thought into what the perfect tea for that situation is. Maybe sometimes this analysis borders on the obsessive, but as far as I can see it's a victimless crime.

So I've served this client tea many times. I know she doesn't take milk, but often adds a little bit of sugar. I've been on a bit of a Ceylon kick lately, so I decided to serve one that I like a great deal.

Ceylon Nuwara 'Lover's Leap'

I've written about it at length before in a number of blogposts, but this was one I liked from last year in the dead of winter.

Normally, I save my best tea for guests, and this was no exception. But here was the thing: although the tea was appreciated and drunk with relish, there was no mention of it. It's why I say the good time had everything to do with the tea. Yet the fact that it's impact went unspoken, was almost more of a success than if a big to-do was made about it.

Either Jackie or Pete (or both) over at Leafbox Tea/Tea Trade have made the point that we needn't always obsess about the tea we're drinking it. Sometimes the best compliment one can give a great cup of tea is to simply not call attention to it.

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