
Monday, 12 September 2011

autumn song

Some people associate tea drinking with autumn (as well as winter even) and the shortened days and inclement weather.  Sure there's all that, but the air is fantastic and the colours are divine.

Have been waxing poetic over on twitter about this time of year and referring to myself as an Autumnalist.  Sure enough I've begun receiving autumn-related mentions and comments, but today I was sent a song.  Didn't know the song.  Although it's borderline annoying, it's also rather catchy.  Thanks @_amusebouche_.  Now I can't get it out of my head.

Since I drink it year-round, this season isn't particularly connected to tea for me.  Regardless, I'm sure you'll hear plenty more from me about this turn of the seasons.

1 comment:

  1. Youtube has bloced the video on copyright grounds. Can anyone please help me find this video or song anywhere? Please? Toby The Tissue, afre you listening?
