
Wednesday 22 August 2012

Reviewing tea on the dark side

What tea is this?

I don't read Chinese, so I can't tell you. One of my clients found out I was into tea, which is an understatement, and brought me this. It was ok, not great. However, now I really want to know what it was.

All I know is that it's a green tea and tastes weirdly burnt. Actually, if she hadn't told me it was green, I'd have never guessed it.

That means it might not be. She doesn't read Chinese either. Anyone have any idea what this package says?

I can make it larger if that helps.

Oh, big news over here at the Lahikmajoe Drinks Tea blog. Hasn't been big news here in ages. I've neglected my tea blog for long enough. All that's about to change.

Turns out one of my favourite tea companies is interested in doing something with me.

Exciting, eh?

I've been very careful with such things in the past. Several times, I've had companies approach me who wanted me to write glowing reviews in return for tea.

As Robert Godden says, if your review can be bought then your review isn't worth much. I realise this isn't the standard position on this by many/most tea bloggers. I know for a fact that some tea bloggers will write scathing reviews if a tea is bad.

Those reviewers are the only ones I trust. Really.

If you can find something positive to say about every tea, then you and I are on opposing sides. Think about it.

There are some teas that really are a crime against humanity. If your policy is to never say anything bad about a tea, then you're essentially working for the dark side.

An exaggeration?

I've been known to exaggerate.

So, about the tea company with whom I'm talking. Who could Lahikmajoe possibly be talking about? Hold your horses, bub.

There'll be time enough for that in a future post.


  1. Well I, for one, have bated breath. But not baited breath because, gross, FISHY. (hb)

  2. Good comment.

    The distinction has been noted.

  3. Hi Ken! That little red bag in the photo says Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) (大红袍). That is was the leaf looks like too. It is an oolong from Fujian, China. It usually ranges from pretty decent to sublime in my experience. (But every now an then I find and "icky" one.)

    1. I knew it didn't taste like a green. That explains it.

      Figured someone who reads this blog would also read Chinese.

      And look: it was my very favourite tea blogger.

      Thanks Brett.
