
Sunday, 23 December 2012

bah humbug...give me a white monkey

monkeys and tea? what's the deal, yo?
It's almost Christmas, which means I should probably be writing a holiday-themed blogpost, but that'll simply have to wait. This is NOT a holiday-themed blogpost

I'm irritable and frustrated and don't want much to do with either the holidays or humanity in general. So, how am I going to spend the next little while? 

With a bit of White Monkey tea that I got from Claus Kröger in Hamburg. Why?

Because I'm assuming that monkeys enjoy themselves even when the going gets rough. And I'm curious why there are so many monkey-related things when it comes to tea. 

Oolong-picking monkeys have already played a very central role on this blog when Lisa Galaviz went to the Galleria in hopes of setting the monkeys at the tea shop free. Here's Don't tell her it's not tea for your reading pleasure.

And here's Lisa's update on the topic in How can they still be out of monkeys?

Just rereading her gem of a blogpost and even a few moments of mine have put me in a bit better mood. Maybe this tea lark isn't so bad, after all.


  1. Reading this post makes my knowledge much wider.

  2. Awesome post .i hope everybody will like your post

  3. i am glad to know these all thing about you and related to you. you not share only your brief story but also you shared each and every major/miner points of your life.

  4. One of the best articles I have ever read, and everything I feel, but expressed much better than I can. And, since less is more, I'll let that statement and the article speak fir itself..
