Monday, 22 November 2010

Darjeeling Tea Tasting

There'll probably be a bit more talk of Darjeeling in the next few weeks. Someone I know from twitter (@DarjeelingTeaXp) is launching a website offering authentic Darjeeling tea. The reason that authenticity is important is that although 40,000 tons of tea is sold globally with the name Darjeeling, they only grow about 10,000 tons.

I've documented my slow-developing love affair with Darjeeling here in earlier posts, but I'll give you the thumbnail sketch. Early on in my tea obsession, I tried a few teas from this region. I was so accustomed to darker/stronger teas that, at first, these teas were just too weak. Or so I thought. The more teas I tried, the more sensitive my taste became. Eventually, when I came back to Darjeelings, I was astounded at the delicate floral tastes in the tea.

Once my tongue could finally appreciate these teas, I became obsessed. I tried every Darjeeling I could find and read every Darjeeling website I came across. @DarjeelingTeaXp was one of the connections I made during that time.

On Saturday 4 December 2010, I'll be serving Darjeelings from various tea estates. If you happen to be in Munich then, you're certainly welcome. More details to follow.


  1. Wish I could be there! Too bad we can't just pop in. I really enjoy Darjeeling teas but I don't find them weak. I guess I'm comparing them to Ceylons. Those are lighter in taste.
    Which ones are you going to be serving up? Keep us posted on this tea tasting event..Maybe some pics?

  2. Why aren't you in Strasbourg during this week-end (Christmas markets)?

    Like Jackie, I would like to hear more about this event and the teas you will be serving.

  3. I am looking forward to the 2010 autumnals! My blog will be devoted to them once I place an order! Most likely in January or so I assume...It is great to be able to expand one's palate!

  4. Jackie-definitely plan on taking photos. In the buildup to the tasting, I'll write about the different teas we'll be trying.

    Ice-Strasbourg is one of my favourite places in France. Although I love relearning/practising my French, that's a city where you can get away with speaking a bit of German. Fantastic food.

    Sir Will-not yet sure what the teas are, but I'm hoping it'll be a selection of different flushes. We'll see.
